Monday, April 6, 2009

Blog Assignment #9

In this section, we're going to return for a moment to Chapter 7, to the section that discusses errors that are common in the analysis of moral issues (p. 89). Breifly explain each of the following errors in your own words, as if you were explaining the concept to a friend who had never taken this class (consider who, what, when, where, why, how, when); and then give an example of each one, preferably from your own past experience.

Unwarranted Assumptions: Are jumping to a conclusion without taking the time or putting forth the effort to fully understand a situation. A good example would be a time when a friend of mine thought he left his watch at my house. He thought he left it there because it was the last place he remembered having it so when he got home and looked every where for it. When he couldnt find it there he called me up asking me if i saw it and i told him i hadn't so he then accused me of taking it and assumed i did since he couldnt find it anywhere else. He eventually found it in his car and apologized.

Oversimplification: Simplifying something so much that you tend to leave out minor or important details because you either didn't agree with or because you didn't think it was important to include these details. An example of oversimplification could be when one time i went to the doctor and got some medicine and since side effects of the medicine were very rare he didnt bother to tell me. A few days after taking the medicine i got even more sick, when i went back he told me it was a side effect and took me off the medecine.

Hasty Conclusions: I would define hasty conclusions as making a decision about someone or something with out putting any thought or research into it. A good example would be when my sister got a new boyfriend and being protective i judged him by his appearances and was some what rude to him. After a couple of weeks i realized he was very nice and treated my sister with respect.

Briefly answer the following "chapter opening" questions, in your own words, based on what you learned by studying chapter eight:

1. What do we do in situations where there is more than a single obligation? When we are faced with two or more obligations then we should chose the one that will have the most positive out come.

2. How can we reconcile conflicting obligations? If we want to reconcile conflicting obligations then we have to do some of each so instead of focusing 100% attention on one and o% on the other we go 50/50 on each one.

1. In a nutshell, what is the most important thing, for you, that you learned from this assignment? The most important thing iv learned in this lesson is that you shouldnt come to hasty conclusions most importantly when based on emotion.

2. How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life? Insert Yes, all of the topics we have discussed in this blog are applicable in everyday life.

3. What grade do you believe your efforts regarding this assignment deserve? Justify your answer. Well thats a tricky question, i am posting this assignment late so i already deserve points off for that but based on perforemance i believe i deserve a good grade for that.

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