Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Assignment #4

1. Paragraph: explain in your own words what the relationship is between laws and ethics

The relationship between ethics and religion is a lot like the relationship between peanut butter and jelly, really, alone they are OK but together they are much better. Religion is basically peoples beliefs and opinions on existence and worship of a deity(s) or divine being. Religion can be used to help answer ethical questions because an ethical answer is basically a morally correct one and morals in most societies are derived from religion. On the other hand, when looking at a question that evaluates ethical judgement, try and focus on the reasons and not on the religious perspective that may underline it.

2. Paragraph & Link: Find one online resources related to this topic—not Wikipedia.Explain in a brief paragraph what you learned about this topic through the resource you found; include the link at the end of your paragraph.

By reading the text from the link provided at the bottom of this paragraph i learned a couple of things. First of all, that the relationship between religion and ethics is basically the relationship between what is considered right based on religious texts and followings and what is morally right based on reason. Lastly, i learned that although religion and ethics don't get there backgrounds so to speak from the same source, they must come together on a common ground.

3. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:

Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not ethics and religious beliefs are complementary.
Conclusion: Ethics and religion are complementary
Premises: Ethics and religion are complementary because
(1) Both are used to answer similar questions.
(2) In a situation, one can provide support for the other.
(3) Most religious teachings are based off of or support ethical thanking.


The week 4 readings cover two chapters in the Ruggiero book, The Role of the Majority View, and the Role of Feelings. Each student must complete BOTH of the following assignments.The Role of the Majority View1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what a Majority View is. Cite your sources.

Majority view is the concept that if a society as a whole deems something right or wrong then that is how it will be perceived. Although this is usually the case it doesnt always mean it is the right perception.
Source: Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues, Vincent Ryan Ruggiero

2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:Arguable Issue:

Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not the Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion:Majority view is not a reliable basis for ethical decision making.
Premises:Majority view is not a reliable basis for ethical decision making because
(1) Majority view is based on opinions.
(2) Defining majority itself is questionable.
(3) History proves that majority view can cause bad judgements.

The Role of Feelings 1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what feelings are. Cite your sources.

Feelings can be defined as how your senses react to a stimulous or in this case however, is defined as your own personal emotions or attitude.

2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:Arguable Issue:

Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not our feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision making.
Premises: Feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision making because
(1) Are defined on an individual level.
(2) Feelings can be good or bad.
(3) Feelings can change at any time and can easily be influenced


The ability to express yourself in your own words is essential in this class. Did you put everything in your own words this time?
Yes, i put all my answers into my own words to the best of my ability.

What was easiest / hardest about this assignment?
The eaiest part of this assignmnet was explaining things in your own words, the hardest part of the assignment was the arguable issues because thinking of the reasons isnt always easy.

How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
I will apply it in my life by looking at situations from different perspectives, such as when i read a statistic instead of assuming it is factual i will consider how they came up with that statistic.

How well do you think you did on this assignment? Explain.
I beleive i deserve full credit because i put forth alot of time in this assignment and i have missed the last 2 classes (not trying to say a wrong makes a right) so trying to educate myself on the material was a little more difficult.

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