Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assignment #2

1. Were the questions on the Moral Sense Test difficult to answer (psychologically, emotionally, conceptually, technically, etc.)? Why or why not? Do you think your responses to the Moral Sense Test questions were consistent? Does this matter
  • The questions were not that difficult to answer when i thought of them based on american culture and how i was raised but when i thought of them as a person who may have different beliefs as mine they became more difficult. I beleive my answers were pretty consistent because i tried to adjust to each situation.

2. Should people always follow the law? Why or why not? When might one be justified in NOT following the law? Give examples.

  • People shoud always follow the law in the society we live in here in america today. Obviously if you dont you could face serious consiquences. On the other hand, in other places if there is a law that is something that is morrally wrong then you should not follow it although doing so may still have dire consequences. You may be justified in not obeying a law if the law is to kill someone who steals from you. It is not your decision on if someone lives or dies and two wrongs dont make a right.

3. In your own words, explain what "social convention" means. Give examples.

  • Social convention is basically rules that we live by that are more like correct guide lines in our own society. One example could be how here in our society it is looked down upon to let wild animals eat off of our table but across the world in some cultures poeple worship monkeys and letting them eat off there table is looked at as a form of worship.

4. Should people always follow the conventions of their society? Why or why not? Give examples.

  • People should follow the conventions of thier society in most cases to not be looked down upon. In some casses you may not follow the convention of your society if it goes against something you feel is wrong.

5. Should people always follow their own principles? Why or why not? Give examples.

  • People should always stay true to themselves and follow there own principles. You may not want to stick to one of your principles if it is morally wrong. A priciple of mine is to be honest, but if i was faced with a situation that tested my honesty at the cost of something else more important then i would have to break that principle. An example would be if my neice told me she wanted to be a singer when she grew up and she sung for me and was horribel i would not be honest and tell her at the cost of her feelings.

6. Explain in your own words the difference between socially acceptable, legally acceptable, and morally acceptable.

  • Socially acceptable is when you what is accepted by your peers based on what is considerd socially acceptable. Legally acceptable is doing what is considered right by the laws set forth by your government, and morally acceptable is doing what is correct morally by what is considered moral by our society

7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your anwer.

  • I believe i deserve full credit for the assignment because i read the text and answered to my best ability.

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