- I would have described ethics as your morals and understanding of right and wrong. My personal view of right and wrong may be different than another persons but your views depend on your culture and how you were raised.
2. What are some of your deepest held values?
- One of my deepest held values is compassion. If you do not have compassion then you will not only be lonely in life but you will not live life to its fullest because helping others is a great reward in life and without compassion you cannot achieve this. Compassion can also aid in making sound moral decisions such as deciding to help another. Respect is also held very highly by me because you need respect to succeed in life. Whether its in a relationship, job, or even when dealing with a piece of technology without respect you cannot be successful with them.
3. What are some main principles you try to live your life by?
- I try to not let things bring me down in life because life can be long but for some it can end in the blink of an eye. I also put 100% in anything i do because if your not giving it your all then it isn't worth doing. I try to always be thankful for what i have and look at the positive in any situation because there is always someone who would love to have your spot in this world. Enjoyment in life is just your perception of enjoyment. If you look at things in a positive manner and are thankful for the things you have in life than you will ultimately be happy.
4. What moral qualities do you look for in others?
- Honesty, loyalty, and respectfulness are all qualities i look for in others. especially ones who i want to be around me. If a person is not honest then they can not be trusted and with out trust you can have no relationship. Loyalty is very important because you want to know you can count on people and know that they will be there for you if you need them. Respect is a moral quality i look for in people because if you don't respect my personal things, feelings, and space then there can be no relationship, and without that respect for me i cannot have it for you.
5. How were your values and principles developed?
- My values and principle were developed by the way i was raised and by my personal experiences in life. I was raised to be honest and respectful so i try to apply that up bringing in my life. Experiences such as a friend that i needed who wasn't there for me taught me that loyalty was a quality in people in my life
6. How have your values and principles changed throughout your life so far?
- They have changed in a sense that when i was younger i was not as caring to others feelings and was not as loyal to others as i should have been, and now i have learned that karma goes full circle and you have o treat others the way you would like to be treated.
7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.
- To be perfectly honest i feel that i may not deserve 100% credit due to the fact that i waited until the last minute to do this assignment but on the other hand i was completely honest in my answers and gave full thought to the assignment. Like i said before, if your not going to give something your full effort then it wasn't worth doing at all.
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