Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Final Blog
(2) Conceptual Clarifications:
Conclude: To Bring to an end.
Expression: The act of expressing, conveying, or representing in words, art, music, or movement; a manifestation.
Relationship: The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
(3) Answer:
First of all, we have to understand what we define happiness as. Happiness as defined by thefreedictionary.com, is; enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. Based on this definition we can conclude that to define if a person is truly happy then some conditions that must be present are joy, satisfaction or expressions of pleasure. There are many things that can cause a person to express these feelings of joy or satisfaction. Material things are probably the most important things that bring people to show expressions of joy and pleasure. Material things can be defined as cars, clothes, electronics, jewelry, etc. Material things are not the only things that make people happy. Some people put their faith in religion and worship. Though there is no physical reward for their worship, the feeling they get from it is the joy that they express and that is the conditoins that show that they are truly happy. The relationship between ethics and happiness goes hand in hand in my opinion. The things listed previously that give people the feelings of joy, and satisfaction are things that can be obtained by ethical means. You can work, get money, and buy the materialistic things and by just worshiping you can be happy. Although those decisions to reach happiness are ethical there are unethical ways to obtain those things that give you the same feeling of happiness. Stealing would be an unethical way to get those items but the feeling of happiness from that route would not be the same as getting them the ethical way because the person at some point will feel remorse for what they did unless they were mentally unfit to. As we learned in chapter eleven there are exceptions to this situation but even that is still debatable. There are many ways that a person can feel happines and as long as you dont harm any one or your happiness doesnt negatively affect any other person then your happiness will be ethical.
(4) Example:
I good example would be a situation that i stated previously. By definition we learned that happiness is expressions such as joy and satisfaction. Also it has been determined that these expressions can be brought about by obtaining materialistic objects. If you chose to go to a store and steal an object that you wanted then it would be unethical. Chosing the unethical path will provide only temporary happiness because it is just in human nature to feel some remorse for stealing something that doesnt belong to yourself.
(5) Word Count: 511
(6) Image: N/A
(7) References: Ruggiero. (2008). Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. McGraw Hill.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Blog Assignment #9
In this section, we're going to return for a moment to Chapter 7, to the section that discusses errors that are common in the analysis of moral issues (p. 89). Breifly explain each of the following errors in your own words, as if you were explaining the concept to a friend who had never taken this class (consider who, what, when, where, why, how, when); and then give an example of each one, preferably from your own past experience.
Unwarranted Assumptions: Are jumping to a conclusion without taking the time or putting forth the effort to fully understand a situation. A good example would be a time when a friend of mine thought he left his watch at my house. He thought he left it there because it was the last place he remembered having it so when he got home and looked every where for it. When he couldnt find it there he called me up asking me if i saw it and i told him i hadn't so he then accused me of taking it and assumed i did since he couldnt find it anywhere else. He eventually found it in his car and apologized.
Oversimplification: Simplifying something so much that you tend to leave out minor or important details because you either didn't agree with or because you didn't think it was important to include these details. An example of oversimplification could be when one time i went to the doctor and got some medicine and since side effects of the medicine were very rare he didnt bother to tell me. A few days after taking the medicine i got even more sick, when i went back he told me it was a side effect and took me off the medecine.
Hasty Conclusions: I would define hasty conclusions as making a decision about someone or something with out putting any thought or research into it. A good example would be when my sister got a new boyfriend and being protective i judged him by his appearances and was some what rude to him. After a couple of weeks i realized he was very nice and treated my sister with respect.
Briefly answer the following "chapter opening" questions, in your own words, based on what you learned by studying chapter eight:
1. What do we do in situations where there is more than a single obligation? When we are faced with two or more obligations then we should chose the one that will have the most positive out come.
2. How can we reconcile conflicting obligations? If we want to reconcile conflicting obligations then we have to do some of each so instead of focusing 100% attention on one and o% on the other we go 50/50 on each one.
1. In a nutshell, what is the most important thing, for you, that you learned from this assignment? The most important thing iv learned in this lesson is that you shouldnt come to hasty conclusions most importantly when based on emotion.
2. How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life? Insert Yes, all of the topics we have discussed in this blog are applicable in everyday life.
3. What grade do you believe your efforts regarding this assignment deserve? Justify your answer. Well thats a tricky question, i am posting this assignment late so i already deserve points off for that but based on perforemance i believe i deserve a good grade for that.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Blog assignment #6
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Assignment #5

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Assignment #4
1. Paragraph: explain in your own words what the relationship is between laws and ethics
The relationship between ethics and religion is a lot like the relationship between peanut butter and jelly, really, alone they are OK but together they are much better. Religion is basically peoples beliefs and opinions on existence and worship of a deity(s) or divine being. Religion can be used to help answer ethical questions because an ethical answer is basically a morally correct one and morals in most societies are derived from religion. On the other hand, when looking at a question that evaluates ethical judgement, try and focus on the reasons and not on the religious perspective that may underline it.
2. Paragraph & Link: Find one online resources related to this topic—not Wikipedia.Explain in a brief paragraph what you learned about this topic through the resource you found; include the link at the end of your paragraph.
By reading the text from the link provided at the bottom of this paragraph i learned a couple of things. First of all, that the relationship between religion and ethics is basically the relationship between what is considered right based on religious texts and followings and what is morally right based on reason. Lastly, i learned that although religion and ethics don't get there backgrounds so to speak from the same source, they must come together on a common ground.
3. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not ethics and religious beliefs are complementary.
Conclusion: Ethics and religion are complementary
Premises: Ethics and religion are complementary because
(1) Both are used to answer similar questions.
(2) In a situation, one can provide support for the other.
(3) Most religious teachings are based off of or support ethical thanking.
The week 4 readings cover two chapters in the Ruggiero book, The Role of the Majority View, and the Role of Feelings. Each student must complete BOTH of the following assignments.The Role of the Majority View1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what a Majority View is. Cite your sources.
Majority view is the concept that if a society as a whole deems something right or wrong then that is how it will be perceived. Although this is usually the case it doesnt always mean it is the right perception.
Source: Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues, Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:Arguable Issue:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not the Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion:Majority view is not a reliable basis for ethical decision making.
Premises:Majority view is not a reliable basis for ethical decision making because
(1) Majority view is based on opinions.
(2) Defining majority itself is questionable.
(3) History proves that majority view can cause bad judgements.
The Role of Feelings 1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what feelings are. Cite your sources.
Feelings can be defined as how your senses react to a stimulous or in this case however, is defined as your own personal emotions or attitude.
2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:Arguable Issue:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not our feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision making.
Premises: Feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision making because
(1) Are defined on an individual level.
(2) Feelings can be good or bad.
(3) Feelings can change at any time and can easily be influenced
The ability to express yourself in your own words is essential in this class. Did you put everything in your own words this time?
Yes, i put all my answers into my own words to the best of my ability.
What was easiest / hardest about this assignment?
The eaiest part of this assignmnet was explaining things in your own words, the hardest part of the assignment was the arguable issues because thinking of the reasons isnt always easy.
How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
I will apply it in my life by looking at situations from different perspectives, such as when i read a statistic instead of assuming it is factual i will consider how they came up with that statistic.
How well do you think you did on this assignment? Explain.
I beleive i deserve full credit because i put forth alot of time in this assignment and i have missed the last 2 classes (not trying to say a wrong makes a right) so trying to educate myself on the material was a little more difficult.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Assignment #2
- The questions were not that difficult to answer when i thought of them based on american culture and how i was raised but when i thought of them as a person who may have different beliefs as mine they became more difficult. I beleive my answers were pretty consistent because i tried to adjust to each situation.
2. Should people always follow the law? Why or why not? When might one be justified in NOT following the law? Give examples.
- People shoud always follow the law in the society we live in here in america today. Obviously if you dont you could face serious consiquences. On the other hand, in other places if there is a law that is something that is morrally wrong then you should not follow it although doing so may still have dire consequences. You may be justified in not obeying a law if the law is to kill someone who steals from you. It is not your decision on if someone lives or dies and two wrongs dont make a right.
3. In your own words, explain what "social convention" means. Give examples.
- Social convention is basically rules that we live by that are more like correct guide lines in our own society. One example could be how here in our society it is looked down upon to let wild animals eat off of our table but across the world in some cultures poeple worship monkeys and letting them eat off there table is looked at as a form of worship.
4. Should people always follow the conventions of their society? Why or why not? Give examples.
- People should follow the conventions of thier society in most cases to not be looked down upon. In some casses you may not follow the convention of your society if it goes against something you feel is wrong.
5. Should people always follow their own principles? Why or why not? Give examples.
- People should always stay true to themselves and follow there own principles. You may not want to stick to one of your principles if it is morally wrong. A priciple of mine is to be honest, but if i was faced with a situation that tested my honesty at the cost of something else more important then i would have to break that principle. An example would be if my neice told me she wanted to be a singer when she grew up and she sung for me and was horribel i would not be honest and tell her at the cost of her feelings.
6. Explain in your own words the difference between socially acceptable, legally acceptable, and morally acceptable.
- Socially acceptable is when you what is accepted by your peers based on what is considerd socially acceptable. Legally acceptable is doing what is considered right by the laws set forth by your government, and morally acceptable is doing what is correct morally by what is considered moral by our society
7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your anwer.
- I believe i deserve full credit for the assignment because i read the text and answered to my best ability.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Blog assignment #1
- I would have described ethics as your morals and understanding of right and wrong. My personal view of right and wrong may be different than another persons but your views depend on your culture and how you were raised.
2. What are some of your deepest held values?
- One of my deepest held values is compassion. If you do not have compassion then you will not only be lonely in life but you will not live life to its fullest because helping others is a great reward in life and without compassion you cannot achieve this. Compassion can also aid in making sound moral decisions such as deciding to help another. Respect is also held very highly by me because you need respect to succeed in life. Whether its in a relationship, job, or even when dealing with a piece of technology without respect you cannot be successful with them.
3. What are some main principles you try to live your life by?
- I try to not let things bring me down in life because life can be long but for some it can end in the blink of an eye. I also put 100% in anything i do because if your not giving it your all then it isn't worth doing. I try to always be thankful for what i have and look at the positive in any situation because there is always someone who would love to have your spot in this world. Enjoyment in life is just your perception of enjoyment. If you look at things in a positive manner and are thankful for the things you have in life than you will ultimately be happy.
4. What moral qualities do you look for in others?
- Honesty, loyalty, and respectfulness are all qualities i look for in others. especially ones who i want to be around me. If a person is not honest then they can not be trusted and with out trust you can have no relationship. Loyalty is very important because you want to know you can count on people and know that they will be there for you if you need them. Respect is a moral quality i look for in people because if you don't respect my personal things, feelings, and space then there can be no relationship, and without that respect for me i cannot have it for you.
5. How were your values and principles developed?
- My values and principle were developed by the way i was raised and by my personal experiences in life. I was raised to be honest and respectful so i try to apply that up bringing in my life. Experiences such as a friend that i needed who wasn't there for me taught me that loyalty was a quality in people in my life
6. How have your values and principles changed throughout your life so far?
- They have changed in a sense that when i was younger i was not as caring to others feelings and was not as loyal to others as i should have been, and now i have learned that karma goes full circle and you have o treat others the way you would like to be treated.
7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.
- To be perfectly honest i feel that i may not deserve 100% credit due to the fact that i waited until the last minute to do this assignment but on the other hand i was completely honest in my answers and gave full thought to the assignment. Like i said before, if your not going to give something your full effort then it wasn't worth doing at all.